Paths and Uncharted Dreams

With so many options and paths one can take in their decision to move toward their destiny, it can feel like you’re strapped to a whirl-around roller coaster. “All these paths must lead somewhere”, you say to yourself, but only a few paths might actually make your life more abundant with happiness. So which one do you set your feet on to follow?

There is the path that might take you towards post-graduate studies–your name published on prominent media mediums,  a life of research and academia, and inspiring minds of all levels of maturity. There is the path that might take you on an adventure around the world–making impressions on those you meet in your nomadic journey through life, and finding serenity and peace wherever you traverse. And then there is the path that shows no sign of guaranteed promise–where all roads lead to somewhere you don’t know, yet has the allure of discovering what lay ahead.

Steve Jobs’ most memorable speech touches–no, makes a significant point, to trust in your ‘gut, karma, destiny, love’ or whatever it is that you follow. The point is to believe in yourself and believe in the capacity at which you can achieve GREAT things for yourself and for others.

I have been strapped to this whirl-around roller coaster for some time now, and it’s becoming slightly euphoric, in an addictive dizzying way. I crave intensity and unpredictability. It is what my creativity and inspiration thrive on. Most of the time, I’ll find myself struggling with focus and the impulse to purge all that is within me. A blank page, an empty space, or a white screen terrify me. And yet these things come to life with the words that I illuminate its lines and spaces with. Perhaps impulse, expression, and intuitiveness have a symbiotic role with each other in creating my destiny and the happiness I seek.

“Follow the inner voices your heart sings.” Trust your gut, your intuition, and believe in the world and your potential for greatness and hope. Don’t let other’s idea of success and plans define your future and life. Instead, CREATE the world you believe can bring happiness to yourself and others. Only a few will really understand your craziness for this, but at least they’ll understand your thirst for a better world full of life and  color.

Do you follow the path that brings security? Or the path that brings adventure? What if you followed the unknown path? Perhaps you might find all the things you’re looking for in creating your own path towards your destiny. Only in retrospect, will you understand all the dots you’ve placed in your journey through life. What if something great were waiting for you at the end of the unknown path? Would you go through it?

Follow your instincts.

Choose, and choose with no regret.

There are many different paths we can take to have the life we wish for, but know when to take a detour, know when to make a left or a right, but never turn back to where you came from. The most important thing to tell yourself is to “KEEP MOVING”, no matter how fast or slow you’re going, “KEEP MOVING” towards the direction of your dreams.

It’s okay to have multiple dreams–follow them one at a time, hand in hand–but know when it’s time to nourish the next dream, and let go gratefully.


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